Episode 9 - The Story of the First Missing Girl

This is the first of a two part series. Please listen to episode 10 for the conclusion of this story.

This episode tells the story of 19 year-old Samantha Clarke who went missing September 13th, 2010 from her home in Orange County, Virginia.

If you have any information on her disappearance please contact the Orange County Sheriff’s Office at (540) 672–1200 or Orange Police Department at (540) 672–1491.

To listen please click below or subscribe and listen wherever you get podcasts.

Samantha Clarke

Samantha Clarke

Barbara Tinder holding son and a picture of Samantha

Barbara Tinder holding son and a picture of Samantha

Randy Smith and the attorney that represented him in the GPS tracker case

Randy Smith and the attorney that represented him in the GPS tracker case